

This is the one of sticky libraries handles stack of stickies and supports scrollX without dependencies(like jQuery)

GitHub / npm


npm module:

npm i -S stuck-js import Stuck from 'stuck-js'


import from CDN

<script src=""></script>

or you can download from Github release and place `./lib/index.js` on your project

<script src="./vendor/stuck.js"></script>

How to use

<style> header { height: 100px; z-index: 100; } .ad { width: 300px; height: 250px; } </style> <body> <header style="height: 100px; z-index: 100;"> <h1>This is my first website</h1> <!-- header contents --> </header> <div> <main> <!-- main contents --> </main> <div id="js-sidebar"> <aside class="js-sticky-ad ad ad--01"><!-- ad contents --></aside> <aside class="js-sticky-ad ad ad--02"><!-- ad contents --></aside> </div> </div> <script src=""></script> <script> const Stuck = StuckJs.Stuck; const instances = new Stuck([ { selector: '#js-header', marginTop: 0 }, { selector: '.js-sticky-ad', wrapper: '#js-sidebar' }, ], { marginTop: 10 }); </script> </body>

if you use as umd package, this package will be included and bound with `window.StuckJs` or simply `StuckJs`.

or if you use npm and ES6 or TypeScript

import { Stuck } from 'stuck-js'; // or const StuckJs = require('stuck-js'); const instances = new Stuck([ { selector: '#js-header', marginTop: 0 }, { selector: '.js-sticky-ad', wrapper: '#js-sidebar' }, ], { marginTop: 10 });


you can use to create `Stuck` instance, for example:

new Stuck(settings, defaultOptions, sharedStacking);

the first "required" argument, `settings`, can be Array of Objects or a single Object:

{ selector: string, marginTop?: number, wrapper?: HTMLElement|string, placehold?: boolean, }

you can specify HTMLElement(or Array<HTMLElement>) instead of the selector:

{ element: HTMLElement | HTMLElement[], marginTop?: number, wrapper?: HTMLElement|string, placehold?: boolean, }

marginTop Number 0

"marginTop" is the space between the element and the previous stacking element or the ceiling (as same as the top of window).

wrapper HTMLElement parentElement|document.body

"wrapper" is the root node of the stack behavior. the stickies will be make stack inside of the wrapper node.

placehold boolean true

You can create the "not-placehold" stickies with this option. "placehold: false" makes that the space where the original element is placed will be gone away while being sticky.